Here is my latest project for an AOI and London transport competition to 'demonstrate the environmental, health and/or recreational benefits of cycling. It is the task of entrants to create an illustration that shows cycling as a fun and efficient way to get around the city..' I started doing these folks on bikes ages ago and when I saw this competition I thought it would be good for it. I thought of the slogan "See the sites from the saddle" but apparently the saddle makes people think of horses. Its not quite finished yet, still messing around with the shadows and order of the people so they stand out from the background.
I love the guy with the afro :-)
I'm not doing this brief anymore as it doesn't fit in with my work right now but im entering the AOI images thing. are you?
hey sean the blog ive been using for a while is now http://www.jillpatterson.blogspot.com/ just need to update all my stuff from 4th year!
apples n' pears
(in london)
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